A Buyer's Guide to Remote Visual Assistance Software
Apr 19, 2021Remote Visual Assistance (RVA) is not new technology. However, it has become one of the top game-changing technologies amid the COVID-19 health emergency. Through it, the Aftermarket Service Industry found ways to optimize their services, even with the restrictions posed by the pandemic. Some of these businesses include field service, technical support, call center, and more. Many of which reported significant improvements in their operations while using RVA.
When deciding to integrate RVA into your business, there are a few considerations to be made: its core functionalities and identifying the right RVA vendor. In this Buyer’s Guide to RVA Software, Michael Blumberg shares his expertise in RVA, its benefits, core functionalities, and how to choose the right one for your business.
Download our FREE Remote Virtual Assistance Buyer's Guide, compliments of Help Lightning, to learn more.
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