A Conversation about Field Service and the Changes Introduced by the 'New Normal'
Feb 21, 2021In a recent webinar moderated by Michael Blumberg, president of Blumberg Advisory Group and led by field service industry experts from FieldAware, ThingTech, and M.E.S.O., Field Services Organizations obtained fresh insights and new perspectives on how to thrive and grow in the 'new normal' through a Hybrid-Service-Delivery model and Uptime-as-a-Service solution.
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way organizations across all industries operate. Field Service Organizations especially have been forced to rethink how they deliver service to their customers with the Coronavirus pandemic's onset. The pandemic presented new challenges that required FSOs to develop new ways or fast-track plans to serve clients and maintain service excellence.
It led to the implementation of new processes to ensure the health and safety of employees and customers. These included biosecurity measures such as taking temperature, advanced communications in the field, and remote triage, which required trying to resolve issues remotely while using troubleshooting as a method. Now, more than ever, it has become evident that FSOs must adapt or face the possibility of becoming obsolete.
The Emergence of The Hybrid Service Delivery Model
This reality has led to the emergence of the Hybrid Service Delivery Model. At the core of this model are remote support delivery and a proactive, connected service experience. COVID-19 has further fueled the implementation of these solutions. This hybrid model uses enhanced triage and troubleshooting to resolve calls remotely and improves technicians' ability to resolve onsite issues when dispatched quickly. It has become the "new normal" for field service organizations.
Research from Field Service News found that 67% of FSOs implemented Hybrid Solutions due to COVID-19. With this information, it is essential to understand the trends that have also been impacting the hybrid service model.
Trends Impacting the Rapid Emergence of Hybrid Service Model
Proliferation of IoT
The proliferation of IoT has had a significant impact on how FSOs operate. Connectivity is at an all-time high, with 26.7 billion IoT devices installed and used in 2019 and an estimated growth to 31 billion devices installed by the end of 2020.
Moore's Law
Another factor impacting the trend is Moore's Law. In simple terms, this law posits that computer processing power increases every two years while the price decreases. This trend has made otherwise inaccessible and expensive technology available to field service organizations of various sizes, not just large enterprises.
Servitization has also impacted the proliferation of the hybrid model. FSOs now see the need to offer a product as a service rather than completing a one-time sale. Servitization requires that companies ensure equipment is operating as expected and customers are getting what they have paid.
This Hybrid Delivery Service Model is a first-line defense to limit onsite deliveries, which can be expensive. It manages lower priority and predictive work remotely while saving time. Customers no longer must wait for field service engineers to visit and resolve issues. It also prioritizes onsite dispatch for work that requires a visit or work that may be labor-intensive.
Utilizing IoT and Telematics, FSOs can capture and monitor data from assets in the field. The data helps to anticipate future service events and find ways to reduce face-to-face onsite visits through remote support. It also improves the planning and overall management of resources, resulting in companies being able to take the appropriate preventative actions to resolve problems before they occur. FSOs can generate new revenue sources by offering an Uptime-as-a-Service (UtaaS).
Uptime-as-a-Service Requirements and Gaps
To offer UtaaS, FSOs must have the ability to read data in real-time without being physically present at a client's location. It also requires the ability to utilize the data as part of a triage process; hence companies must know how to process the data once they've gathered it, which leads to the automation of workflows.
The research conducted by Field Service News has shown that there are gaps in organizations' ability to offer UtaaS. It revealed that 3/4 of respondents could read data from assets in the field, but only 2/3 can view it real-time. Those that can't read it in real-time require someone to perform an onsite visit. To fill this gap, software vendors have made a strategic decision to target small and medium-size businesses that previously did not have access to these solutions. The technology has also become more affordable, efficient, and easier to deploy.
Technology trends have now made it possible for companies of all sizes to deliver on the promise of connected, proactive service through the concept of an Uptime-as-a-Service software solution. This solution offers FSOs and their customers' many measurable benefits.
Register for the on-demand webinar to learn more.
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